Bintou Doumbia, DMS, MPAS, PA-C

Physician Assistant/Associate

Dr. Bintou Doumbia is from Harlem, NY with family roots in Côté d’Ivoire. Since a young age, she always knew she wanted to go into medicine because of her personal experience with the healthcare system. Initially, this meant becoming a physician. However, during college, she shifted career paths when she discovered the Physician Assistant/Associate profession. This new field of medicine would allow her to work collaboratively with physicians, help fill the need for more medical providers, and increase flexibility to work in a wide array of specialties and work-life balance. She received her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies, and most recently, a Doctorate in Medical Science from Butler University. She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Dr. Doumbia currently works as an Emergency Medicine PA. She is passionate about advocating for the Black community and patients suffering from substance use disorder. In the future, she plans to open a community center with an affordable clinic that addresses social determinants of health from a holistic perspective. 

Topics of Interest: Substance use disorder