Health Literacy Workshops

CHV conducts workshops on various medical topics aimed at informing our community on various Healthcare topics in order to increase awareness and understanding of these disorders.

Topics: Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, STDs, PTSD, etc.

Healthcare Career Workshops

CHV conducts workshops for Jr. HS, HS and College students aimed at inspiring them to pursue healthcare careers.

My Stories: The stories on how our professionals became who they are today.

Pathways: Detailed presentations on the pathway to becoming a Physician, Dentist, Physician Assistant, Nurse etc.

Leadership & Professionalism

Mentorship Curriculum

CHV creates individualized curriculums for students committed to pursing one of the Healthcare careers.

One on One sessions aimed at building and strengthening students interviewing skills, personal statement, curriculum vitae review, and professional school application.

CHV works as a supplemental source of information for college and high school career counselors.

Healthcare Events

CHV organizes stakeholder and venues to create events focused on increasing the knowledge of those in our communities

Health fairs, Health Talk Series

Emergency Training

Workshops that educated students and the community on the basics of assisting others during an emergency.

CPR/First Aid/AED Training Certificate

Stop The Bleed Training Certificate