CHV’s journey so far…

Since launching in 2019 Complete Health Ventures has conducted several workshops and events in order to further our goals on Informing our community, and Inspiring & Mentoring the next generation of healthcare professionals


In partnership with “The Gentlemen’s Factory”, a social network of black & latino men of color, and other community organizations, CHV created our “Health Talks” series. We brought in specialist from various medical fields to sit down and have a conversation with men and women in our community, in order to give them the opportunity to ask questions and inform them about various medical conditions that are having a profound impact on their health.


CHV team members have conducted several workshops on various topics for High School and College students. Giving these student exposure to healthcare professionals, that will hopefully inspire them to pursue careers in healthcare.

“Mentorship is critical”

-Dr. Bandon Carter

“No one makes it on their own.”

-Dr. Hasani Swindell


All CHV team members strongly believe in the power of mentorship. CHV has developed a mentorship curriculum to help guide students along their journey to realizing their goals.

“We all need to have someone to get us to the next level”.

-Dr. Kwesi Blackman